Lt. Governor Jon Husted, who serves as Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, announced that 12 training providers located throughout the state will receive a total of $2.58 million in awards through the Individual Microcredential Assistance Program (IMAP).
The Ohio Export Internship Program matches businesses interested in growing exports with highly motivated college students who have taken export-focused coursework.
You may be in luck if you’re hoping for a white Christmas in Hilliard! Local weather forecasters are calling for snow, brutal cold, and high winds starting Thursday.
Franklin University, a leading educator of working adults, is pleased to announce its new Master of Science (M.S.) in Professional Sales Leadership to its latest program offerings through Ross College of Business.
Franklin University, a leading educator of working adults, is pleased to announce its distinguished faculty member, Dr. Leslie Mathew, chair of the Master of Healthcare Administration, and the Master of Business Administration (Healthcare) programs, and faculty member of the Doctorate of Healthcare Administration program has been selected as an American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Exemplary Service Award recipient.